Kirsty success story
One of the BEST Success Stories that I have the honour of sharing with you all
is Kirsty came along to one of our beginners Pilates classes.
After just a few classes, she noticed better movement and was surprised how it was not just helping her back pain but other muscles and experienced huge relief in her back pain.
Yes, after a few classes, An inspiration!
If you fancy getting better movement and relieving your back pain, be quick, as we only have a couple more spaces available; here’s the link to book your 6-week Pilates beginners course
Mel's success story
Mel has noticed differences in her core strength and lower back pain. Fewer aches and pains.
Mel mentions the exercises are gentle, slow and easy to follow. It's relaxing, and it's about breathing and holistic.
Mel says sometimes you have to just jump in. When you walk into the class, everyone is friendly and welcoming.
Claire's success story
Claire says it's much less scary than you imagine that you are guided throughout very well.
Claire has gained flexibility, sorted out her back issues, given her core stability and evened out the aches and pains just coming once a week.
If you fancy better movement and relieving your back pain, be quick as we only have a couple more spaces available, here’s the link to book your 6 week Pilates beginners course
Here’s the link link:*** https://www.victoriabristowpilates.com/plans-pricing*** and select the pilates beginner course of your choice
and we will get the booking in! Limited spaces available!
Pilates beginners course
Thursdays 7.30-8.30-P.M
St Peter’s Church Hall Bearsted ME15 8NJ
(3 spots left)
Pilates beginners course
Fridays 10-11 A.M Allington
small hall at St Nicholas’ Church hall Popular Grove Allington Maidstone Kent ME16 0DE
(2 spots left)
Pilates beginners course
Tuesdays 6.15-7.15 P.M Allington
small hall at St Nicholas’ Church hall Popular Grove Allington Maidstone Kent ME16 0DE
(2 spots left)
(New Pilates beginners course)
Mondays 12-12.50 pm
Langley Village Hall Horseshoes Lane
Maidstone ME17 3JY
(6 Spots left)
DM me if you’re interested
#pilatesmaidstone, #pilatesbeginnersmaidstone, #Pilatesbeginnerallington,#pilatesclassesmaidstone, #Pilatesclassesallington, #pilatesbearsted,#beginnerpilatesbearsted,
#pilatesintructormaidstone, #pilatesstudiomaidstone, #pilateslangley, #pilatesonline, #pilates50plus,
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